Kinderoper der Schola Cantorum
"Der kleine Riese Genegroß"
künsterlische Leitung: Bernhard Steiner
musikalische Leitung: Grit Stief
Regie: Kevin Körber
Bühne und Kostüm: Helene Werner
Im Theater der jungen Welt in Leipzig fand die diesjährige Kinderoper der Schola Cantorum mit 40 kleinen talentierten Darstellenden statt.
Der kleine Riese Gernegroß macht sich auf die Reise, um die Welt der Menschen kennen zu lernen und begegnet dabei Waldzwergen, Fabelwesen, bedrohlichen Tieren und neuen Freunden.
Fotos: Grit Hartung
author - Henriette Lippold
regie/author - Stefan Kaminsky
production design - Matthias Mücke
costume design - Helene Werner
choreography - Nora Zimmermann
The "LANDschafftTHEATER" is the driving force for ten years of theater in Bad Düben.
This year DIE GROSSE WETTE is a play about human seduction. Humans seem to be be at the forefront of evolution. But how is it that this highly complex species still hasn't found a way to live together in peace? And what role does the individual play in the big picture?
A total of 160 contributors are playing. A small part are professional theater people. There are also choirs and clubs. Most of them are amateurs - residents of the city.
Die GrosseWette
Stella Geppert
Inclusive Break, Liu Haisu Museum, Shanghai, China
costume design: Helene Werner
This performance by Stella Geppert is based on IMMERSION #02, a pigment drawing from the series “Over Night”. Her impression of sleep becomes a platform to perform. The enclosed pillows are very fragile, and the performers move between falling and cautiously hovering into sleep. The adaptable sleeping objects transform their appearance depending on how they relate to the body of the performer. Sleepiness slowly spreading into the space is intentional. The duration of the performance works with the collective moment of fatigue that spills over from one person to another.
short film
director - Anna Ilin
camera - Eli Boernicke
costume design - Helene Werner
The collage-like observations in this short film shows a young woman who enters into a love affair with her car. She emancipates herself through her relationship and adapts more and more to her new love partner.
Rider II
Juli Kreutzer, Kasia Wolinska
costume design: Helene Werner
organisation: Bürgerstiftung Halle
For a week we danced, tinkered and designed. Students in Halle created their own wild creatures in dance and costume. With simple tricks the participants were able to create their own costumes from reusable materials and give valuable textiles a new life.